The CWH intervention offered through ERGO-Wise® has been well-researched with findings and key messages published in peer-reviewed publications highlighting the application of work hardening to the mental health domain. This body of work builds on ‘classical’ work hardening which has been used for many years primarily in the physical rehabilitation domain.
Thoren, C. & Wisenthal, A. (2023). Managing rising mental health costs through cognitive work hardening: An effective claims tool [White paper]. CWH Connect. https://cwhconnect.com/whitepapers/cwh-as-a-claims-tool-2023.pdf
This White Paper positions the cognitive work hardening (CWH) intervention as an effective claims tool that assists disability insurers with their management of mental health disability claims. The paper explores mental health through the lenses of the medical system and the insurance domain, as well as within an occupationally focused…
Wisenthal, A. (2021). Case Report: Cognitive work hardening for return-to-work following depression. Front. Psychiatry 12: 608496. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.608496
This case report illustrates how CWH is applied in clinical practice to prepare an individual to return to work following a disability leave due to depression. By providing a window into the application of CWH within a real world context, this report demonstrates how CWH bridges the functional gap between…
Wisenthal A., Krupa T., Kirsh B., Lysaght R. (2019). Insights into cognitive work hardening for return-to-work following depression: Qualitative findings from an intervention study. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation. 62(4): 599-613. doi: 10.3233/WOR-192893
Qualitative findings of the doctoral research are presented in detail in this paper. Feedback from study participants regarding their participation in the CWH intervention under study is highlighted. Participants reported key intervention elements that they found valuable for their return-to-work preparation such as structure of intervention, customized work simulations, realistic…
Wisenthal A., Krupa T., Kirsh B., Lysaght R. (2018). Cognitive work hardening for return-to-work following depression: An intervention study. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy . 85(1): 21-32. doi: 10.1177/0008417417733275
Quantitative findings of the doctoral research are presented in detail in this paper. A comprehensive review of the study design, methodology and data analysis are included aptly situating this research within the scientific realm. Self-report measures were used to compare relevant constructs at the start and end of the CWH…
Wisenthal, A. (2015). The effectiveness of cognitive work hardening in preparing people with depression to return to work (Doctoral thesis, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada).
This thesis served as a partial requirement of Adeena’s doctoral degree. It embodies the body of work that positions CWH within the healthcare system and establishes its role in narrowing the gap between disability and return-to-work following an episode of depression. Findings of a scientific study of CWH are presented…
Wisenthal, A., & Krupa, T. (2014). Using intervention mapping to deconstruct cognitive work hardening: A return-to-work intervention for people with depression. BMC Health Services Research. 14:530. doi: 10.1186/s12913-014-0530-4
The structured Intervention Mapping method is used to illustrate the process involved in (i) identifying the need for a return-to-work intervention following a mental health leave; (ii) analyzing the desired outcome of a safe return-to-work; (iii) characterizing the various steps to attain this goal leading to intervention elements to achieve…
Wisenthal, A., & Krupa, T. (2013). Cognitive work hardening: A return-to-work intervention for people with depression. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation. 45(4), 423-430. doi: 10.3233/WOR-131635
This paper explains how occupational therapy principles (e.g., occupation, enablement) are utilized and applied in CWH. Key skills of the occupational therapist are discussed and woven into the fabric of CWH thereby grounding the CWH intervention within occupational therapy ideology and doctrine. The paper considers CWH and its relationship to…
Wisenthal, A. (2004). Occupational therapy provides the bridge back to work. Occupational Therapy Now, 6(4), 17-19.
This paper introduces the CWH intervention and positions it as a ‘bridge back to work’ following a mental health disability leave. Aligning with an established occupational therapy model, this paper demonstrates how the elements of the intervention address occupational performance issues that relate to the worker, the work, and the…